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New in the Shop: Total Relaxation

Love, Tiff

Currently at Nettle Co. we are in full swing of Market Season. So far the Honeymoon Bay Outdoor Market has been good to us in so many ways. Not only is it full of wonderful caring people but it is relaxed and easy going. We have the flexibility to be creative! And with so many wonderful herbs in season and so many different market goers to chat with we have been very inspired!

Today we are listing this Total Relaxation tincture on the sites shop so if you can't make it all the way to Honeymoon Bay (though if you can; its beautiful!) .

This wonderful tincture will help to relieve the mind of stress and anxiety as well as relax the muscles in the body to promote an easy and long lasting sleep, best results will be seen if taken right before going to sleep. It can also be used to ease pain and cramping particularly in muscles and in the soft tissue of the bladder, stomach and uterus helping to relieve menstrual discomforts.

It is also great for anxiety as you will see almost immediate results, and it is safe for day time use as well just play around with the dosages for your desired affect. ie a few drops for anxiety as opposed to a dropperful or more to ensure a proper nights sleep. Testing has shown it is safe to use and drive with though I recommend you try it first to see how it affects you so that you can decide. Sometimes nervine herbs work differently for different nervous systems.

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