Love, TiffSep 13, 2016Inspiration Strikes and New Herbal Products are Born!At the beginning of the year I wrote a list of remedies I wanted to add to the shop and I can assure you that hardly any of them ended up...
Love, TiffanyNov 8, 2015Hawthorne for a Healthy HeartHerb Profile: Hawthorne - Crataegus doulasii, Crataegus columbiana Look at these beautiful Hawthorne berries, leaves and twigs! All parts...
Love, TiffanyOct 14, 2015A look at Endometriosis : Take care of your liver!!Recently a dear friend of mine told me that she was being tested for Endometriosis, and while we were walking and talking I didn't really...
Love, TiffanySep 16, 20157 ways to add herbal tea to your life that isn't tea!I love tea, and beleive that herbal teas and infusions are a wonderful way to get the benefits of herbs into your body in an easily...
Love, TiffanyAug 10, 2015Herb Profile: Red Clover - Trifolium pratenseAs a child I used to pick these and suck the sweet nectar out of each 'petal' little did I know that I was consuming what we herbalists...
Love, TiffanyMay 12, 2015The Liver and Hormone ConnectionThis last week I had the pleasure of sharing some herbal knowledge with a group of young women, being a few years ahead of them myself it...